17th September 2024

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Furze Lane closure - 8 July to 13 September

FURZE LANE will be CLOSED to all traffic (including pedestrians and cycles) between 8 July and 13 September to allow East West Rail to undertake a number of different tasks on and alongside the road. Access to Lakers Nursery will be possible from Buckingham Road for most of this time, whilst access to other properties will vary as work allows. Vehicle access to the Burial Ground cannot be guaranteed at all times during this period – and pedestrian access may only be available from the footpath at the back of Sir Thomas Fremantle School via the off-road path across the adjacent field.

3-way traffic signals will be at the junction of Furze Lane and Buckingham Road A413 between 19 and 30 August.

This closure of Furze Lane is to allow Network Rail to complete various safety measures, and to restore and hand back land to those from whom they have "borrowed" it whilst they have been rebuilding the railway (as they are legally required to do). We understand that they will be installing permanent traffic signals on the railway bridge whilst removing the set of signals by Lakers. The safety barriers at each end of the railway bridge need to be modified, and the footway connection at the burial ground end of the bridge will be improved. A concrete slab covering the high pressure gas main under Furze Lane is also due to be removed. Some resurfacing will take place where it is required, and Furze Lane will be narrowed in various places where it had been widened on "borrowed" land – so those bits will go back to how it was before EWR's works started. Access to Lakers for pedestrians and scooter users will be available via the new footbridge and the path to Furze Lane for most of the time (but that footbridge is due to be closed on 24 and 25 July for some minor works).

Posted: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 22:15 by Roger Slevin

Tags: East West Rail, Roadworks