22nd January 2025

Search Winslow Town Council

Committees and their Meetings

The committees are:





Third Thursday at 7.00pm

Every Month


Tuesday at 7.00pm

Every three weeks


Monday 10.00am

Every third Monday in month

Finance and Resources

Third Tuesday 7.00pm

June, Sept, Jan & March

Committee minutes

The minutes of each committee meeting are reviewed and accepted at meetings of full Council which are held on the first Thursday of every month. Notices of meetings are posted in our office notice board and in the council meetings section of our website.

The quickest and easiest way to find agendas and minutes is to view our Council Meetings Calendar, here you will find all papers associated with each meeting linked to the calendar entry.

All of our documents are stored in our document management system (DMS) where you can also view our agendas and minutes. You can set the filter to select documents of interest.

Attending meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend any Council or Committee meeting. At all meetings there is an opportunity for questions to be asked.

Occasionally there may be times when it is necessary to exclude the public and press from meetings, but only when confidential issues need to be discussed, for example legal, staffing or commercially sensitive matters.

The Council Office, the Public Hall and the St Laurence Room all have step-free access and a hearing loop will be available for meetings.

Amenities Committee

Responsible for the maintenance of all the amenities of the Town on a day to day basis, e.g. bins (dog & litter), seats, landscaping, playground, burial ground, Pubic Hall car park, allotments and cutting of grass and hedges devolved from Buckinghamshire Council. Links with Buckinghamshire Council on maintaining their services e.g. street cleaning, fly tipping and open spaces. Normally meets on the third Thursday of odd-numbered months.

Cllrs Keys (Chair), Castle, Wiseman, Hamley and Onley.

Development Committee

Considers planning applications and enforcement issues, responsible for Winslow Neighbourhood Plan and considers all strategic issues likely to impact the Town. Normally meets every third Tuesday.

Cllrs Cawte (Chair), Ives, Monger and Slevin.

Events Committee

Responsible for all Town Council related events including the farmers market held on the first Sunday of each month (except January).

Cllrs Onley (Chair), Cawte, Cornell, Hamley and Monger.

Finance and Resources

Responsible for the day to day financial matters, personnel and street lighting, council property and strategic issues.

Cllrs Cornell, Keys, Slevin and Wiseman

Working Groups

Working Groups can include members of the local community and are set up by and report to full council meetings.

Winslow Community Facilities

Cllrs Hamley, Keys and Slevin.

Biodiversity Steering Group

Cllrs Cawte, Castle, Wiseman

Mr. H Ellerton, M Bolton and Dr. M Gillman

Last updated: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 21:52